AFinLA (Association Finlandaise de Linguistique Appliquée) awards the Afinlandia prize annually for a distinguished Master’s thesis and every three years for a Doctoral dissertation. In 2024, the Afinlandia Prize was awarded in the Master’s thesis category. Eleven dissertations of outstanding quality were nominated from multiple areas of applied linguistics and from six Finnish universities. The winner was announced on 8 November. during the conference dinner organized in conjunction with the AFinLA -symposium.
This year, the awardee in the Master’s thesis series is:
Helmi Siiroinen (University of Tampere) for her thesis entitled: Simulating stylometric author analysis. On the distinction between the styles of AI and human writers
The awarded thesis combines the interests of linguistics, law and forensics. The study deals with authorship attribution from the perspective of forensic linguistics. The data consists of texts produced by three different human authors and two different AIs. The work is positioned within the still very young field of forensic linguistics in Finland and contributes to the current debate within the field of forensic linguistics. Siiroinen’s work makes visible the computational means of author identification and the steps of a simulated forensic linguistics case in the context of the Finnish language. The study examines the stylistic differences between human authors on the one hand, and between human authors and AI texts on the other. In addition to its empirical aim, the research also reflects on the methodological possibilities of stylometric author analysis.
For details, please contact:
Saija Merke, AFinLA ry. (Afinlandia-coordinator), saija.merke(at)abo.fi, tel. 0407638259
AFinLA ry. : http://www.afinla.fi/
Helmi Siiroinen, helmisiiroinen@gmail.com