Minnaleena Toivola (Logopedics, University of Helsinki)
Riikka Ullakonoja (Department of Language and Communication Studies, Jyväskylän yliopisto)
Leena Maria Heikkola (Department of Language and Culture, UiT – The Arctic University of Norwae; Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, logopedics, Åbo Akademi)
The Speech and Spoken Language research network is meant for researchers in applied linguistics who are interested in speech, oral language skills (speech production and perception), prosody, phonetics, pronunciation and other fields of spoken language. The aim of the research network is to provide networking opportunities and discussion on current issues between researchers of different languages and perspectives and to develop applied linguistics cooperation with teachers and other partners. Activities are decided on annually in a meeting at the AFinLA Autumn Symposium. To join, please contact one of the coordinators by email and become a member of AFinLA.