Call for papers

The AFinLA Research Network on assessment is preparing a publication on research in Finland on language assessment. The publication will focus on assessment carried out with formal language tests that relates to 1) language examinations and other high-stakes testing, 2) national or international studies on educational achievement (e.g. by the National Board of Education, the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre, the OECD) or 3) the use of language tests as data collection instruments in different kinds of applied linguistics research.  The research can concern any language as a first, second or foreign language. The publication will appear in the AFinLA-e: studies in Applied Linguistics which is a Jufo category 1 publication (see

The editors of the publication are Ari Huhta (University of Jyväskylä) and Raili Hildén (University of Helsinki). The submissions will undergo a double peer review.

The language of the articles can be Finnish, Swedish or English.


30.5. deadline for sending short abstracts (100-200 words) to the editors

3.6. confirmation by the editors of the suitability of the proposed topic for the publication

9.9. deadline for submitting full articles to the editors

31.10. feedback from the reviewers

30.11. deadline for submitting revised versions of the articles to the editors

Please send your short abstract or any queries you may have directly to the editors at ari.huhta(ät) or raili.hilden(ät)